Year of Production
Country of Production
Lebanon, Belgium
Running Time
20 min
French with English subtitles
Une image douce et tendre
An image soft and tender
Davina Maria

While she was away from her home in Beirut, the filmmaker receives a call announcing the sudden death of her grandfather. Haunted by this unexpected loss and the lack of images she had of him, she goes on a quest for tenderness in Brussels, the city she currently lives in. During her short journey, she meets Ildib, an old and lonely man who spends his time watching people from a café in her neighborhood.


بعد معاناتها إثر موت جدها المفاجئ وافتقارها لصوره، تنطلق المخرجة في رحلة  إلى بروكسل، مدينة غريبة عنها، بحثا عن العزاء. وخلال رحلتها القصيرة، تلتقي بإلديب، رجل عجوز ووحيد يرتاد على الدوام مقهًى في حيّها ويقضي وقته وهو يراقب الناس.

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